While filming the Richard LaGravenese tear-jerker, Gerard Butler inflicted an injury on Hilary Swank that sent his co-star to the hospital. The accident happened during a sweet scene in which he danced in boxers and suspenders, as seen above, while Swank's character laughed in bed. "At one point, the clip [of the suspenders], which was a crocodile clip, got stuck in the television as I'm crawling towards her and she's right in front of me," Butler explained on "The Drew Barrymore Show" in January.
The suspender snapped free and went out of control. "It releases, flies over my head, hits her in the head, slashes her head," he detailed. Swank had to be rushed off the set. Butler stayed behind with nothing but his sexy outfit and his own guilt to keep him company. "I'm just sitting there in my Irish boxer shorts and my boots and a pair of socks, and I just started crying," he described. Butler hoped for the best but prepared for the worst — kind of. "I almost killed her," he told Barrymore laughing.
Swank needed some stitches, but ultimately recovered just fine. Swank held no grudge and, in fact, judged it to have been no big deal in a 2012 joint interview for Moviefone's "Unscripted." Butler's apology was even inspired by the movie. "You wrote me a couple [letters] while we filmed from that minor accident we had on set," she told him, adding: "You're a good letter writer."